Thursday, November 11, 2004

Well, they finally published This Week's Frank Rich Column . One of his very best, although I say that every week. It's another analysis of the Blue/Red divide, except this one is actually insightful and inspiring.

I asked my Israeli boyfriend Daniel how Arafat's death will effect things over there. He says it could go either way. I agree with President Bush (oh my, did I just say that?) when he says: "The vision is of two states, a Palestinian state and Israel living side by side, and I think we've got a chance to do that, and I look forward to being involved in that process."

Except I'd change, "we've got a chance to do that," to "there is absolutely no way such a thing will happen in my lifetime," and I'd change "I look forward to being involved in that process" to "my administration has no interest in fostering peace in the middle east, unless it's a byproduct of the U.S.' imperialistic triumphs over helpless civilians."

And: the polar bears are almost extinct.

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